Sunday, March 31, 2024

Notes to the otherside 018

I am writing to you from our kitchen. I was exiled from my upstairs bedroom because it gets so hot in my bedroom from 11am to 5pm, my dad and mom decided to ban me from going up during the said times. They said I should stay in the kitchen for the duration mentioned above to keep me from having a heat stroke, so I am staying here with some of my journaling stuff, notebooks and phones and some reading materials.

To those who celebrate, Happy Easter!
To those who know the katabasis of the Greek Mythology and eventually Roman Mythology, then we know that we are in the middle or possibly the end of journey of Persephone from the Underworld to the good old Mother Earth, where we dwell. 
To those who watch Studio Ghibli, I liken the katabasis of Persephone to the story Spirited Away which I believe is a journey of Return to Innocence.

Persephone's anabasis (travelling up) is a yearly journey which transforms the Queen of the Underworld into Kore, the maiden again. We may call it resurrection, rebirth, or return to innocence as we remove and erase the old and we now birthed the new. Especially in Persephone's case, she has a new identity and even a new name, Kore, the maiden.

So, on goes the time on goes the time.

The path of grief is never done and our maiden is now walking the universe of grief again, getting fresh flowers for her bouquet of grief again which she will bring to the secret mysterious place where she will meet Hades again.

Anyway, let's have a good reflective Sunday. 
New moon is just around the corner.

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