Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New road to travel

Gardens are patches of love  
In this moment of shifting perspective and great personal transformation, I saw an oasis that inspires me to believe that life is worth all the pains, sorrows and frustrations. That this sad part is just the half side because the other half is the patch of garden where plants, trees, ponds and humans harmoniously co-exist. Maybe to be able to appreciate the value of this most fortunate circumstance, we first have to go through the rough patch of our lives. This experience made me believe that death means rebirth. That endings are doors to beginnings. Fear is the dark sky that makes our faith even brighter, burning bigger, ever loyally growing to light our paths. 

This is the season to focus on our faith and keep the flames of hope burning because we are here to give love and compassion to the changing world. Our source of strengths are friendships, good intent we have for others, our genuine love for the earth, so we must not feel weak. But in the moment we feel like giving up and breaking down, we must go back to these good relationships for renewal. For they will always point the path to us because they love and trust us. Ultimately, they know how to heal us.

We are the limitless source of faith, hope, love and compassion.