Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Moods #29

Chain of Love | Lesley Duncan

All my friends are travelers, we don't often get to meet
But I know they're out there somewhere
And the knowin' keeps me sweet


Been feeling so sentimental last Sunday, I played Love Song by Lesley on repeat, then I skipped into some of the songs in the playlist and discovered this wonderful gem of a song. I just miss being with friends. Those carefree days of just being with them, reading books, going on a picnic, watching movies or just walking with them. Also missing those crazy nights of endless talking, sharing problems, secrets and boys stories over some nice desert or bottles of booze, just those simple moments. 

I really really miss being with friends.

I am just so sentimental :'(

Haha, anyways, enjoy the music.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Deeper darker tones

Here we are again, trying to survive this day with tremendous effort from every inch of our body, our sanity and our emotions, don't worry, we are all in this together. We are all forged here in the hot flames for a better version of us, just keep on holding on. We will finally reach that space where we can breathe easily, releasing worries and pain and trauma. 

You are not alone.

In my desperate quest for grounding in the first three weeks of this new year, I have read and re-read some books and articles in some websites which may heal my wounding soul, my crashing inner world. Heaven knows there were moments when my last shred of sanity was just being flimsily held albeit tightly by some words of my spiritual teacher, words that protected me from deep darkness where it seemed like I kept on falling endlessly. As my body was helplessly suffering from high fever, my lungs burning from cough, and my mind seemed like it swallowed a black hole, my sanity and my last effort to hold on to who I am was summarized in some of the words I deeply imbibed from my spiritual guide, she said 'let it go' and 'let it go' and 'let it go' ~ okay, to veer away from the pop culture resonance of these words, I have to set it straight, it is not a reference to a song from a famous children's animation back in 2013, however, these words from my spiritual teacher is from a story that she was retelling from a Buddhist Sutra.

It is actually a very short snippet of a story, once there was a spiritual practitioner who wanted to give flowers of adoration to the Buddha, he prostrated humbly in front of the Buddha, kept his hands in prayer position and he set the flower in front of the Buddha. Then after a while, a long moment of silence ensued, with intense alertness the spiritual practitioner just kept his hands on the flower offering, then the Buddha spoke, "Let it go," the spiritual practitioner let go of his hands from clutching the flower but his hands remained in prayer position. The Buddha again said, "Let it go," and then the spiritual practitioner, though surprised understood that maybe he just needs to put his hands into resting position and not in prayer position. Then after a moment of silence, the Buddha said again, "Let it go," the spiritual practitioner became so confused this time, that he dared to look at the Buddha (usually when practitioners prostrate to the Buddha, they don't look at Him or at His eyes, they just bow their heads as a sign of reverence) then the Buddha kept on saying "Let it go."

That's the end of the story.

It is so simple yet so profound. It is what it means, let it go.

The way I understand it is that we have to keep on letting layers of us be stripped away, no matter how painful it is, down to who we are. We need to keep shedding the false masks, false faces, false identities of the ego until we are bare-boned true self and until there is no way but to surrender. Not knowing what will wait for us at the other end of the bridge, but we still do it anyway because we believe in our quest, we have faith that in surrender we will find our deepest treasures.

Easier said than done. Believe me, I know, I know how hard it is. 

Though let us not forget that in the deepest darkest part of our journeys, we have medicine with us, we have light within us, it is believing that in the darkness, there is eternal light. We just have to train ourselves to learn to lit it up in the darkest places. That's why we have our ancient mythologies of rites of passage in every ancient civilizations, because they know it very well, the darkness and the alchemy of turning dark into light. Unfortunately, we forget it in our modern lives. So, yes I urge you my dear friends and readers, let's remember the ancient ways, ancient maps and ancient mysteries, those stories that resonate within us when we read some of its retelling, like Inanna, Erishkigal, Persephone, Demeter and Hecate, they are all women whose stories are still as relevant to our lives as to those in the ancients.



Though I can see here that I am referencing two important elements: Buddhism founded by a male monk and the feminine goddesses of ancient mythologies, which lead me to a new question maybe it is time that we balance the feminine and masculine energies in our time/lifetimes so we can make sense of why we tend to forget the wisdom of the ancients in our modern lives now? Maybe it is time we learn the wisdom of balance, because we are in desperate need of medicine for our selves, our lives and our environment?


I hope you all had a harmonious and revelatory full moon my dear friends.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Small steps leading to the path

Today, let's talk about the reality of trauma and it's dark long shadow that it casts upon us. We who are still struggling as we learn everyday to walk with it, breathe with it, live with it and just trying to survive with it.

I mean I don't have the cure for it or anything, but I know how painful it is. So painful, layer by layer of pain, waves of bitterness, of holding your strength in front of trauma as it replays in your mind, of denial because of pain, of wanting to run away and escape from it ~ seemingly the only sane course to follow because who wants to be exposed to trauma 24/7?

That's why we create masks, that's why we run away, that's why we hide and why we escape, because it is the only way to keep it from overwhelming us and from totally devouring us. We create an escape universe, we create a different world where we can exist devoid of the fears and demons of our trauma.

It is not bad, actually because we all need to cope right? But what is bad is that we delude ourselves that we can run away from it, that if we bury it, it will just die and it will leave us alone. No, it doesn't work that way. Eventually, it will come out of the deepest pit, haunting us, confronting us, cornering us until we are face to face with it again. We are now being asked, are we going to run again or are we going to finally face it?

This is the life cycle of trauma, it can be as old as our life. Some people are so sensitive that trauma even started from the womb, they felt it right away. Some trauma started as early as childhood, conditioning from our primary caregivers, abuse or mishandling from them, manipulations and subtle controls. Those trauma that are as old as us, existing with us even from infancy, even from childhood when most of our basic senses and knowledge began developing.

So yes, I guess the only real way to face our trauma is to finally find peace within ourselves that this time I am fully resolved and whole-heartedly committed to sort out my baggage and my issues, I may not know how to handle the pain all the time but I am open to it and I am not running away from it. Building sustainable routines, methods and resolutions can help us to go on with small steps into the right path of recovery. 

There are ways and outlets to cope with our trauma, like music, art, being with people who has gone through the same pains and fears, writing or doing volunteer work for the benefit of other people who need assistance. 

There will be bad days, there will be down days, dark days and even time when we just want to abandon the path of healing our trauma, but I pray even for myself that we stay committed and fully resolved to our decision. In our path to healing, we really touch others lives in very meaningful ways. We really can open wonderful affinities with a lot of people who are also finding or following their path to healing. Just open our hearts, not just our eyes, they are around us. They are also like fireflies trying to lit up the darkness. A group of fireflies can really light up a considerable amount of space and they even emit some warmth that can touch many hearts. 

I really wish we find the undying flame of our faith within ourselves and the deep well of our hope, it is all within us, to heal, to recover and help others in their path to healing too.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Moods #28

 So, how do we know it is time to move on?


Okay, how many times did people read it, but really I am tired of being in the house for so long, I want to go somewhere far and somewhere new with my friends

So, I came up with some possible excuse when I file for that hard earned vacation break





GUNAW is for real, I am tired of surviving it every single day


Seriously, we are still here?!



Wednesday, January 12, 2022

From my Hiding Place - Catalog 10

 List of things running through my head

(1) I am definitely going to reconsider my definition of time, how to measure time

(2) Definitely will dedicate my time into healing my soul and my heart

(3) I will still make an adulting kit, although I am waiting for my brain fog to just finally subside, this is definitely a personal project

(4) Really feeling deeply about how are people coping in these trying times, mental health is something we tend to overlook; If we don't begin to honestly reflect on our situation right now, we are really heading for another crisis. 

(5) Sometimes life brings you the most painful experiences and it gives you the most wonderful experiences, I hope we all finally learn to reach out with genuine care and concern to people we love and cherish

to be updated . . .

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

In the darkness, the seed quietly grows

I am at a loss for words

Definitely, lost, like my mind, for who knows how long

I don't know how long it will take for us to march through this wave of darkness, maybe 15 days, maybe 40 days, maybe 365 days, maybe years, maybe decades ~

I am not sure anymore

But yes, we have cracked a new dawn, I believe. However, the new life/new dawn doesn't necessarily equal to happiness,  unfortunately it looks actually the opposite, I just want to stay inside my bedroom and be in the dark and wait for the world to just implode or for me to just disappear.


Yet, it feels easier to give up and not look forward to any day,

I remember my beloved teacher, she always reminds me/her disciples the following words of wisdom:

Take an inventory of your life, look back at your accomplishments and what you have done in the past, no matter how little it is or how big it is, the point is to make an inventory.

This is a grand lesson that we are learning right now, we have to hold on and keep the faith.

Stay connected to your source. Keep our heart and mind healthy.

I am grateful to my teacher every single day.


Although, it is so hard to find our footing in this endless darkness and shifting ground, let's be grateful for each moment that we are here. 

We are given these challenges because we can cope and can thrive and flourish.

Keep surviving. 

We are being helped by our guides and teachers, we are not alone.

You are not alone.

Friday, January 7, 2022

From my Hiding Place - Catalog 9

I have been really adamant to write because my writing would be tainted with so much pain, dark moods, sadness, grief and impossibly deep emotions that I can't even start to put down into words.

Somehow, in this bleak gloomy world, I don't want to add the same blood-dark tinted words to further lay waste in the collective glum of existence.

So, I kept my silence.

But this morning, I read some very assuring words from someone in the news, it goes a bit like this:

The beginning of the end of this madness has finally come. 

And I believed it.




It was a terrible underworld journey but we are still here, walking boldly, carrying our lives and our loved ones with us, fully trusting in the crack of light as we await the new dawn.

The 'death' journey for me this past week was beyond words, it was a deeper kind of purification, something I am prepared for since it happens cyclically to me, but it was something new as well. I wish I could put them in words, but words elude me.

Let me try:

It was a noisy sleep. 

Noisy darkness.

The kind where you wish your brain just melts and disappears because you are haunted by so many worries, insecurities, questions, etc (maybe that's why there are dead people who have unfinished business?) 

But it is more of a curse when you wake up and you have a vivid memory of the darkness and your death. You wake up and sh*t, you are still alive, though death would be kinder.

It is so easy to lose hope, lose humanness, lose yourself, lose faith, but I cannot and I do not.

I am tired of 'dying' it is not a good experience, it is something you want to forget after sleeping for two or three days straight, but you won't forget it. It is in every breath you take. It is like a dream that will haunt you, it can't let you go though you want to let it go badly.

But of course, after death, there's regeneration, rebirth, renewal.

Start from scratch again,

start again with baby steps

start again


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

From my Hiding Place - Catalog 8

Lemon | K. Yonez

Actually I am not posting some lyrics of the song that resonate with me, I am just here, terribly feeling so cold and sick-ly, I don't know how to explain my feelings lately, it is more than a roller coaster ride, it is not something that we define as enjoyable. 

But I am going to survive. I am a survivor.