Friday, April 30, 2021

Interchange #38

I've Got a Dream / Tangled

She's got a dream (he's got a dream)
They've got a dream, we've got a dream
So our differences ain't really that extreme
We're one big team
Call us brutal, sick, sadistic
And grotesquely optimistic
'Cause way down deep inside
We've got a dream 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

A project and a commitment

“That’s how Yubaba controls you... by stealing your name." - Haku, Spirited Away

When I was younger, I heard that naming people, pets, things or other possessions is very important. It was a kind of tradition passed on in my family especially when we got pets. Most of the pets we had were accidental, these pets chose us, not the other way around. The past pets we had were: kittens, birds, rabbits, puppies, I remember we didn't name these pets yet when other family member haven't seen them. So it was important that they were recognized and accepted first before we name them.

We usually based the names of these pets on their weird characters or their physical characteristics. There were names like: mingming, B1 and B2, porgitania, ali etc. Years passed, and I still hold naming of things and people very important. For example, for possessions, I name them depending on their use: for my phones, usually they have two names: Hermes Cadmus etc. For my usb they are a bit more elaborate like: Calligeneia. For my camera: Cleopatra. Of course, my laptop has a name. Also, my diary has names too. 

Well, actually the point of my post is that I have made up my mind that I won't name anyone near my living space or anyone I treat important, (or anything) carelessly. Which brings me to the importance of etymology. I was told by my friends that most of the name I used are either from Greek Mythology or other forms of gods/goddesses of the ancient world. Yeah, I am guilty of that. But also, I am expanding my horizons in naming objects or people, that's why my research now involves a lot about world literature on deities and heroes. 

Also, yeah, I have a long list of research topics that I am starting now. I feel that it will take a long time of research, as I have a lot of questions in my life right now. But I am just beginning to collect a lot of information by looking at many books and of course printing them. I feel like this research journey will cover 2 decades, something that I really have to commit myself into. I am actually excited, and I commit to report my research and realizations in this blog, because I want to update you my dear readers about what I have been discovering and learning. 

I hope you will join me in this very long journey and perhaps we can learn together as we follow this great quest of search for truth and answers. I will definitely put out some tags so you can follow me into these different topics that I am diving into.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Interchange #37

Ancient Future / The Empress

Monday, April 19, 2021

Ode to online teaching classes

We have another Monday in our midst, my dear readers.
How's everything going in your lives and in your schedules?
I hope everyone is doing well and I pray that everyone will stay healthy.

So, we are in the middle of April, time flies so fast nowadays.
Now, I am caught in a weird flow of emotions.
I have been having my online classes, and it has been wonderful,
my students
the parents
my classes
they are all wonderful
but of course, there are difficult times too, especially when I have 
to give them their reports, I usually pull out an all nighter or two to finish
almost an average of 20 reports every two weeks
but that's part of the journey of online teaching

So there, I have established that my online teaching journey has been 
a mix of wonderful and difficult - and because of those qualities I love it even more

Thing is, I may have to cut some parts of my online teaching time 
to make way for a new schedule

That's where this weird flow of emotions is coming from
I have this sudden surge of sad emotion bec I think maybe this will be the 
last few weeks where I have this time of teaching them, bec definitely I 
will have to adjust the schedule

I mean sometimes when we do something daily, we just go through the motions, 
we begin the class, we reach a comprehension, we use the new words of concepts 
in our sentences and then we have culmination activity then homework, that's 
basically the rough run down of my classes

This gets on and on, then it gets too familiar that I may have let it sink to predictable
patterns and I have unintentionally killed the excitement, 

but now, since I might have a new routine soon, I suddenly realize the real value
of my online teaching classes, it may have been not very exciting anymore
but I am secure in its familiarity 

Ah, the impermanence of life

But day by day, I am learning to stay in the here now, 
to seize every moment of the day
and just let life unfold without me being a control freak about the future

Monday, April 12, 2021

Interchange #36

Walang Hanggang Paalam | Joey Ayala


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Flow of consciousness before noon

Hello my dears 🎆
How is everything doing in your lives?
Happy Easter to everyone ^^

And yes! I survived March 💜 Am I so happy!
So I guess I have to treat myself to something delicious, 
Of course there is this ECQ NCR plus happening so I couldn't treat myself yet 🍜
I think if I can't go to a place where I can get delicious food,
I can make the food come to me by delivery!
Yum, isn't it 💕

But I still have to wait 😱
I have to be patient
Patience is a virtue
Just like how I am very patient with my state right now

I just couldn't effectively create a plan or a strategy
When I am about to lay something out I have imagined as a system, 
there will always be something missing
The most frustrating part is that, I couldn't define what it is
Indeed frustrating 😭
And so, I have to remind myself that patience is a virtue

I would eventually piece the puzzle together 👒
But it is like, the data came flooding me attacking me like tsunami
I kept holding on to my initial observation, but indeed, this looks like 
a different ball game
My old way of looking at things must change because 
the game has changed 💀

The first quarter of the year ended already, I must be up with my list or reflection
But initially I will do it in my physical diary
I am learning not to push myself when I don't want to write
It is healthier that way 🍓🍇🍋

I want ice cream 🌷