Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Two big influences

This is called Blue Marble.
This picture is the view of earth from Apollo 17 travelling to the moon.
Taken in 1972, it was considered as a milestone in Space Photography.

His Holiness Dalai Lama talking with a girl.
My mind is non-communicative today. It would rather look passively at pictures, stories, blog entries, news, quotes than actively write or create. But for some weird moments, my mind alerted me about this story that I read somewhere, that the picture of our planet is a statement. For one, we have proof that our advanced technology can snap away at the profile of our blue planet. Also, it reinforces the idea that this fragile spherical mass is suspended on its own in this infinite dark space. Many environmental movements started out with this picture as their symbol. Some even mentioned that it can actually heal some people by just looking at it, though I am not really sure about that one. Perhaps, earth's picture is a good representation of one home -- despite varieties, despite diversities, despite differences -- there is wholeness/completeness. And we are all part of this one blue miracle.

Anyways I started searching for planet earth's pictures and eureka I found a lot! The one I pasted above is the 1972 photo called Blue Marble. If you want more pictures of earth go to Nat Geo or NASA.

Then on to His Holiness Dalai Lama. Last December I had read his autobiography My Land and My People. It was during a tumultuous time between Tibet and China (1960s) that He had to flee His land to keep the peace. Looking back, my life was also in a very complicated turning point last December and His endurance and positive attitude in the face of hardship helped me in my quest for peace during those times. I posted His picture because He is an image of stability and security for me. My moods are fluctuating lately, up one moment then down the next, must be quarter-life crisis, eh! And in this trying time, I guess I can count on him as a sturdy anchor as big waves attack me one after another.

Well, there, I posted two healing pictures for me.

*About busy days coming: Yes, I will start school tomorrow. My day will start at school, then office, then back to school library for research. Sounds busy, but I commit myself to it. Good winds everybody.

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