Saturday, September 3, 2011

Self reflection: a lesson on integration and isolation (chapter 1)

Achievable goals: the first step to self-improvement. –JK Rowling, Commencement Speech at Harvard June 5, 2008

Self-discipline is the key. If one has innate motivation to fulfil a goal, then one has to create a simplistic timeline to achieve certain milestones in the course of their quest.

The path of my life right now is about integration. Basically for me it translates into the collaboration of each member (unit) towards an ultimate expression of beauty, harmony and truth.

Which brings me into one of my basic quality: my aptitude for self-analysis to achieve clarity to live out my higher purpose (Higher Self). How else can one know thyself if not in isolation?

Therefore, I think withdrawing from society, from the loud chaos of city, from the busy routine of work, from the burden of modern living is the best way to purify the mind and achieve self-wisdom, if not holistic integration.

My weaknesses

Sometimes I associate myself too much on the work that I forget who I am once disruption occurs. It’s very alarming to lose myself just because I need the time off for isolation. How can I strike the right balance between the two? Proper isolation versus self-association to routine?
Failing to recognize little victories is also one of my weaknesses which leads to procrastination. Not healthy, it leads to project delays and baseless doubts and imagined failures. Imagination and creativity should be used instead to more productive endeavours.

My Strengths

One of my strengths is the realisation that I take time in fulfilling a goal, since I have yet to consider some important parts of myself. This made me believe in the power of timeline, schedule, visualisation and endurance.
That I made judgement based on human compassion, for enrichment and preservation of the planet and to inspire others to have compassion both for people and earth, that for me is living out the Higher Self.