Saturday, September 17, 2022

Moods #41

Daughter | Youth, Landfill, Tomorrow

I thought I can resist posting this, but I am still emotional, reflective and unbelievably melancholic, so this video won. Yeah, still a fan after so many years. 

How can someone capture such tenderness in grief?
She sometimes comes across aloof but actually she feels a lot, she is just good at hiding it.
How can she put all these beautiful lyrics together with such lovely music?

She is a poet.
They are poets.

Anyways, Youth is still one of the songs that both shatters inside while clinging into your heart, relentlessly. Landfill, I am still finding its place in my heart, but I know it has a spot there somewhere. Don't let me even get started in Tomorrow, it is a song about longing but knowing that there will be separation after some time spent together. How tragic. How painful. How bitter. How beautiful.

Here my dear readers, sharing you one of the most poetic bands out there.
Such an ethereal performance. She deserves nothing less. 

Hugs to all.

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