Monday, June 27, 2022

Something persistent but tricky

Honestly, I was not able to post anything last week because I was waiting for my earworm to reveal itself, kind of like epiphany, or waiting for that aha moment when something finally fell into the right place so I can stitch it into the whole tune, but nada, still nothing, hence no post at all.

Needless to say, up until now, I couldn't figure out what song it is. There are some lyrics in my mind, but actually the earworm is more of music and the beat. I couldn't really precisely point it out, I mean which song it is because it keeps on morphing into other song/tune. Couldn't really single it out. Mmm, it keeps on merging and spilling off into other songs. 

It is hard to pick out.

So, it just keeps haunting my mind when I am not actively thinking about something. It is really interesting because I had earworms before but I could figure it out after some tries, but this one, this one is persistent but tricky.

It is hard to figure out because it keeps on fading at the end but the hook part of the song is clear, though I tried to type the lyrics, it still escapes me. 

I hope eventually I will get the song and post it here but right now it seems I need to concentrate fully.

Will be right back.

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