Saturday, July 17, 2021

Are you going there too?

Grief, such deep sorrow
Sometimes it is so deep, it makes me want to just pack up and go back up where it is safer and brighter
But grief is a part of me, it is not something I can cut from myself and throw away
It's been here with me since I learned to think about my thinking process
It's been here with me since I cried my first tears
It's been here with me since I breathed in the moist air
It's been here with me since my first heartbeat

Grief is the twin emotion of all my other emotions
for example
I am happy, but therein lies grief at the other end of the smile
I am fulfilled, but at the other side, grief is just waiting to spring up again
I am validated, but grief is just stepping up its own game 
I am so alive, but the smell of grief is there just like how death can penetrate even the tightest of lids

but interestingly, what is grief's twin emotion?
When I am grieving, do I feel grief in the shadow?
When I am in deep sorrow, do I sense grief around the corner?
When I am sharply pained, is grief going to be the other end?

It's difficult to say
but right now, it seems grief is all enveloping 
somehow whole on its own
dark and inescapable

Is there salvation from grief?
Or is grief the major theme of my life?

But in darkness, I continue to walk, clutching faith tighter in my heart
I continue walking in the universe of grief.

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