Monday, July 20, 2020

A new week, a new addiction

These days I am diving into reading. Got it from Romina, she influenced me to read fanfiction again. Actually my love affair with fanfiction was really potent 2 years ago, there was a time that I would only read fanfiction all day, before work and after work. What really brought my addiction to it was the story between Kenshin and Kaoru, it was AU (alternate universe) and I kind of love that universe more than the original one created by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The title of this AU is Vaster than Empires by Ayezur. It became a ritual for me to reread it every month. Seriously terribly my apex of addiction. I devoured the story line by line, chapter by chapter, even close to memorizing it word for word. I couldn't think of any other stories, even a Gaiman story for that. Only this one. I even shared this gem to many other friends, they liked it too. But of course, when the addiction subsided, I earnestly searched for other Kenshin Kaoru fanfic, I wasn't disappointed. There are thousands of stories to go through, but of course I had to filter them out because I need something as potent as the one by Ayezur. 

In my passionate conquest, I came across other brilliant stories: Kinenbi (oneshot), Beyond Reason and Measure, Kokoro Kara, Longing to hold you, Never bet against a redhead (59 chapters), Reflections and Fulfillment (oneshot), Saving Forever, The Bridal Discussion, Through Long Days of Labor, True Love's first kiss. I tediously saved them all in my evernote, chapter by chapter so I can visit and read them anytime even offline.

The addiction to Kenshin/Kaoru fanfic eventually subsided, I was utterly thankful because I had it so bad. Just think, I will just read and read about them for around 6 months long, no other stories, no other characters, just the two of them. Most people will let go of their addiction maybe after two to three months, but for me two to three months are just approaching the peak of it. When it is potent, I really get stuck and that's not nice. Believe me. Because after the addiction subsides, I will avoid them for who knows how long. I am like that. I don't want to ever be near it. For. A. Long. While. But of course, there is love there, but just I need to avoid it. Until it becomes unfamiliar again and I will have new reasons to explore it again. That's about the cycle of addiction for me.

Now, there is another excitement in the air. As mentioned above, it was because of Romina. She ignited another fancy in me that I couldn't resist. She knows how to rein me in, it started with a letter. If someone will ask me how great romantic stories begin, I know the answer. Through a letter. And it is the deal. Always the deal. The story's title is: Letter from Exile one Merciful Morning by Textualsphinx. 

It is a fanfic pairing between Hemione Granger and Severus Snape also known as HGSS. I know right, not everyone is prepared for this mix. At first I felt, mmm, maybe or so-so. But after reading the oneshot fanfic, oh my am I hooked? The letter is something that we all want to hear especially when it is penned by the terrorizing Potions Master. It is his most vulnerable piece yet. How can someone like a towering figure of a professor fall in love with the most brilliant female student? Mmm, read the letter guys. (Read between the lines: professor/student, how about the age gap there?) (Also, Hermione is the sunny bright one and Severus, just as his name implies, the unfathomable dark one)

Hello addiction my friend, it's been a long while. Let's get acquainted again.

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