Monday, November 15, 2021

Weekend, I drowned

My weekend was a roller coaster of emotions.

Barely survived the weekend, but I held on tight to the promise of redemption that ice cream could offer. The fruity bits of mango and avocado flavors got me out of dark mood a little, though I can say that the dairy didn't really sit well with my stomach. So, it was a bloat-y, brooding, dark weekend. 

I slept throughout the day. It was punctuated by my visits to the kitchen to get a spoon and bowl for my serving of ice cream. Then to counter the bloating, I made some green tea. 

I couldn't help but just melt into my bed.

I wrote some emotional lines in my analog diary, my real notebook, the paper one.

Then reflected on my life.

Then talked with my best friend.


What is the difference between a girl and a woman?

Why is it hard to maintain relationships?

Why is life difficult?

Those kinds of topics.

Then I slept and slept and slept.

Dreamt of so many weird stuff.

Occasionally checking my phone.

Listened to Cooky Chua a lot, on repeat. 

She is the embodiment of a woman for me.

Just listen to her sing, she will reveal what a woman is.

Then I had some Regina Spektor songs in the background while I reflect about my relationships.

Then I think about moleskin.

And my pens.

And about my life, about my plans, about my emotions.

Then all of a sudden it is Monday.

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