Monday, June 22, 2020

Heart and love, heaviest burdens

And just like that, it's Monday once again my dear readers.
Words elude me lately, so I will just make this post short and sweet.
The photo above is a short exchange between Sophie and Howl, in the movie Howl's Moving Castle. The movie is such a heartwarming one. In this scene, Sophie is returning Howl's heart inside himself. And Howl for the first after a long long time finally felt whole again because he has his heart restored. We can see that Howl said that he feels terrible, that there's weight in his chest, and Sophie reassured him that A heart's a heavy burden, implying that indeed, it is going to feel so heavy because the heart is internally heavy, but worth having, no matter what.

What's lovely is that Sophie labored so much to return Howl's heart back. And Howl's forever grateful to her. It is a story that can remind us of the power of love and that these feminine and masculine energies need each other to help each other grow. In a weird way, somehow, I had quite a vivid dream about this last week, I was going out a corridor and a familiar guy was lying on the floor, clutching his chest, and saying his heart is a bit sick. I went to him and comforted him, automatically knowing, in the dream that he needs to restart his heart, so I helped him. Weird synchronicity.

Which eventually reminds me of Joni Mitchell's song Tin Angel

There's a sorrow in his eyes
Like the angel made of tin
What will happen if I try
To place another heart in him
In a Bleeker Street cafe
I found someone to love today
I found someone to love today

Happy New Moon everyone. 

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