Monday, June 10, 2024

The truth is: We are all Graduating (part 3)

This post is related to We are all Graduating and its part 2 (20240422 and 20240507) 

We have marched to the tune of Pomp and Circumstance , we got our certificates, we took our bow, sang our swan song and got off the stage. The inevitable question will now haunt our waking hours:

So, what's next?

For me, it is about growing my psychology books collection and my collection on ancient mythology, archeology and some classic literature. Possibly if I am going through a semester I would have enrolled in Psychology 101 with minors on mythology and classical lit.

I am so excited about these topics lately that I forget about sleeping sometimes and even watching my netflix series. I am planning a lot of printing and binding books (of course they are downloaded from libgen, project gutenberg or open lib). So many books, so little time.

But I haven't forgotten my spirituality and my hobbies too.

This is weird but I am really excited about my 20-year research, laying the foundation, growing my literature, readings, my sources, and listing them all and reading them and making reviews about them. 

I do hope that everyone will find that elusive path, the next direction after this collective 'graduation' and that it may give everyone of us the proper activities and outlets to channel our passions, commitments and energies into. 

Let's grow our books and knowledge and eventually wisdom together in this new exciting chapter in our lives.

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