Friday, September 20, 2024

Revelations and the Full Moon

The dark path opens again as the time of year continues to move towards the deep blackness.
Surprisingly, my dear darling nightmare's name is all over the place as I look into my screen, his name is haunting me, stalking me and of course demanding attention.
So, he must be the spirit calling again. I had this weird experience last 13th, midnight, it was a deep kind of inexplicable call from within, like an inner call, that I couldn't just dismiss. 
Something deep inside calling, wanting it to be known, making me feel so uneasy.

The unease was really unsettling.
I stayed wide awake despite being so tired.

Then another weird midnight thing happened again just before full moon. It was like a dog digging, a reflection of that action, like deep digging from an unknown dog, or must be the dog's neighbor who by the way is a very sensitive and noisy crier in certain nights. Weirdly enough, I can sense whenever the dog is in deep distress and even though I haven't seen the dog at all, I can imagine in my mind the actions and the cries it makes through the night. I felt it was the same dog who kept crying all night when I threw up months ago. Anyways, the projection of action was in my computer room, that I can sense but cannot see with eyes, it was the projection that I have witnessed, the feeling I had during the time I 'was watching' the projection, the scary, mysterious feeling it evoked in me. After this experience, I did not turn off my computer room light at all. I am scared of bearing witness to that weird feeling, experience again.

Aside from all these mysterious things happening all around me, I have been so attracted to this celebrity eagle owl from Russia lately. I love her. That eagle owl is mesmerizing, mysterious and mystical. I am in love with that owl, even my friend mentioned that I seem to be in love with the owl, it must be the case indeed. So out of curiosity, I searched the spiritual meaning of the owl. I was actually clueless and I was just really a fan. Especially about that video of owl bringing a mail, it evokes deep feelings of childhood bec of course of Harry Potter haha!

Anyway, the owl, indeed that peculiar animal symbolizes deep spiritual meaning. I was astonished. Owls are messengers of spirit world and it has an affinity with the underworld and death which actually means transformation. Sounds so affiliated with Persephone, the beautiful goddess who lives in both realms, some of the authors even call her the Queen of the Sacred Way.

The call of autumn is getting louder as the days passed, as time passed, the Eastern Asians just finished celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, giving praise and thanks to our bountiful harvest. Then of course it is the start of cold months, the earth is going to be covered by cold winds and frozen ice, the snow. Time to travel inwards, time to travel to the underworld to visit and live with the beloved.

Time for reunion. Time to reunite.

Maybe even though I am clueless as to what will happen to me this coming months, deep inside I know that I am just following my authentic path. The revelations today are plenty to give me the boost I have been praying for. Faith is moving me toward the path. The light-hearted love I feel for the owl is not really just a surface fun, it is maybe a message from deep within. It must be the message itself. The revelations never stop, and the book of life is full of mysteries that move us forward to the direction given to us by sacred signs and symbols.

Here I am awed by the messages and symbols and revelations, marching towards the Sacred Way. Let's follow the path. May our faith always light our way.

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