Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Truth is: We are all graduating (part 2)

The feeling lately is that of never ending thesis, both the production part and the written thesis paper part.

I remember the thesis part of college was the toughest one, we must really dedicate our time, effort, creativity and intellectual endurance and actually enduring grit to face the challenges of doing our thesis. A whole semester must be allocated to finish such endeavor.

In production part of the thesis, there will be the Pre-production, production and Post-production, these will need a detailed time-table for every part.

Then in the written thesis part, there should be Pre-thesis writing (data gathering, theoretical framework, paradigm and draft of paper rationale), in thesis writing, of course the chunk of the writing will happen here and then, we have the post-thesis, bibliography, editing and checking of the paper.

All these take time!

But as my master said, time keeps passing by, affinities keep ripening. 

So as time passes by, we should have markers in the moving forward of our thesis work.

We should at least have an accomplishment report for every benchmark done.

We had the past 15 to 16 years for all the data gathered, now we have to make sure that the time frame and time table are laid out clearly for us. 

We have to write a thesis for the last 15-16 years of our lives.

Remember, we have to make an inventory of our lives constantly.

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