Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Notes to the otherside 038

Diary entry as of 4:53

Am I being abducted again in my dreams? Feels so familiar, why am I being abducted again? We can just chat and hang out 💛

Diary entry as of 9:02

So, someone from a big country is also visiting my blog, hello there, hope you are doing fine, gan en!

Diary entry as of 10:43

Weird to feel in my dreams being confined in a room with H again. Like all the projections of my dreaming mind is also being observed and seen by H, maybe I am going insane? I know I don't have any secrets from H anymore but even my dreams, my dreams are intimately mine right? Nobody should infiltrate my dreams. So H, you should know boundaries when it comes to dreams.

Diary entry as of 17:23

New moon, new slate, emptiness again 💛

Diary entry as of 19:35


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