Monday, August 19, 2024

Moods #80.5

Paranoid Android | Radiohead

Rain down!


Lately, I have observed myself to be more tolerant of pain and more open to deeper grieving process, seemingly endless chaos, impermanence. Surprisingly,  to continue the idea of the opening sentence, I understand wider range of emotions (compared to before when I was in my early thirties) and its nuances and its possible origins and trajectory, or if you may, its flow.

Both the depth and width are growing ever deeper and expansive for me. Acting like a double-edged sword, this new found depth and emotional range (width) within me enables me to appreciate different dimensions of emotions, however like a peeled onion, I am more sensitive and soft (absorbing?) when it comes to criticisms, negative moods and darker tones of hard/sharp emotions.

Case in point, I am more appreciative of music and its ranges and its dimensions. I used to just appreciate the surface level of tones and harmony and maybe lyrics, but now I can even visualize the different dimensions when I enter a piece of music. I feel like the phrase entering a music piece is something unachievable and even alien to me, but now it is easier for me to readily use the phrase as I have more of the structural understanding of that side of music. I mean I am not really a music student, I just appreciate it more. I don't even know how to read notes or figure out a musical notation, but I am more understanding of the emotional side of music. Or should I say, I appreciate more the insights of music guides as I try to delve deeper into the discipline/art of music.

Anyways, last night I appreciated deeply this piece of wonderful music from Radiohead as explained by a classically trained musician and music teacher Amy Shafer.

I hope you find her youtube channel as she studies and reacts to different music genres

Thanks and have a good listen

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