Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Interchange #11

While I have a busy schedule today, I find myself drawn again and again to Gustavo. The question in my mind is, when does the orchestra become a visual aesthetic and not just an auditory exultation? I think I may have an answer to that, it is when the orchestra is conducted by Gustavo Dudamel.

Reason #1. Look, actually watch, not just listen to this piece Bolero, conducted by Mr. Dudamel. Don't you feel it? He absorbs each instrument's sound/music, but he doesn't keep them, he gives it back to the orchestra (and to the world) a hundredfold. It is like he calls on each soul of the musician not just to produce a cold unfeeling sound, each musician must infuse it with their soul. Can you see it? He asks, but he gives, a hundredfold. If you don't have a soul, he will make sure to give you and you will know you have received it. 

Reason #2. He is electrifying. Be it small movements, big dramatic movements, in betweens. He moves and you know he moves with soul. He knows too well the little parts and he intimately reveals the large chunks of the orchestra. Nothing escapes him. And he makes sure that the small will spark the big ones. The big ones, will eventually fade into a small quiet tune. And the cycle repeats again and again. He is really a sight to behold.

Reason #3. When he moves his hands, music comes to it. Sometimes smoothly, sometimes ruggedly, different textures, different lengths, different tempo. The drama is being played by him, he leads, but he doesn't hog the spotlight, he gives it back. And the orchestra adores its faithful leader. A very interesting relationship dynamic, he doesn't just count the time, he counts the soul of each musical instrument, he weighs the soul of each musician until everyone gets to feel his touch, and then as the music peaks, he gives them their own release. A very beautiful harmony, like a tidal wave of a collective unity.

Reason #4. His hair. His hair tells a different story but of course it is part of the guy. In the quiet but measured movement of his head, his hair follows. And the hair tells a story that he is a mad genius. An eccentric combination of smooth moves and jagged jerks of the body. 

There, that's it. The genius conductor, Mr Gustavo Dudamel. Watch him and you will be inspired.

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