Monday, December 31, 2012

Sending bright love to a remarkable year

Another year is coming to an end. And another is rushing forward to greet us all! This was a year full of letting go, moving on and scaling mountains (figuratively). But a rewarding year indeed.

So I am very thankful to everyone who gave their warmth, gentleness and love to me. And also I am grateful to people whom I gave my love and care and concern. May we all find year 2013 another year of abundance of positive thinking, of creating good nurturing relationships and of giving of ourselves to serve humanity and the earth.

May love and hope kindle our hearts as we pave the paths of our lives.

Blessings and faith to all of us.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Of living alone and procrastination

Oh well here it's Christmas again, done with all the holiday shopping, endured the heavy traffic and survived long lines at the mall. And these experiences are all blown away by my immediate issue -- trying to live alone. My thoughts stray towards independence. Just how hard will it be if I just choose to live alone? Far from the familiar surroundings of every day existence? From the usual jeepney route? Maybe difficult at first but am sure its doable.
Which brings me to the next point - saving up. I read somewhere that expenses should just be 30% maximum of what one earns, mmm, so there. Oh well I am procrastinating, should be doing my paper right now but I just can't think of what to write yet, argh :(

Oh well after five minutes of staring at the screen, nada . . . and then I see my mom's traditional fruit salad just sitting peacefully inside our crowded ref now I can't help but be the 8-year-old version of myself, weee, Christmas is here ^^

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What a year!

Lantern Parade
Whew! What a year huh ^^
No matter what, I am glad to have spent most of my time with these two lovely ladies, I am so blessed with their love and friendship.
More years to come!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jumping into love

Sharing to you a wunnerful passage from Brainpickings, acts like a teaching mantra to me ^^

From the author of Brainpickings: But my favorite answer is to the all-engulfing question, How do we fall in love?. Author Jeanette Winterson offers this breathlessly poetic response:
You don't fall in love like you fall in a hole. You fall like falling through space. It’s like you jump off your own private planet to visit someone else’s planet. And when you get there it all looks different: the flowers, the animals, the colours people wear. It is a big surprise falling in love because you thought you had everything just right on your own planet, and that was true, in a way, but then somebody signalled to you across space and the only way you could visit was to take a giant jump.

Away you go, falling into someone else’s orbit and after a while you might decide to pull your two planets together and call it home. And you can bring your dog. Or your cat. Your goldfish, hamster, collection of stones, all your odd socks. (The ones you lost, including the holes, are on the new planet you found.)
And you can bring your friends to visit. And read your favourite stories to each other. And the falling was really the big jump that you had to make to be with someone you don’t want to be without. That’s it.

PS You have to be brave.

Kindling new hope

Weird, every song starts to be meaningful again.
You make it harder for me to sleep at nights again ^^

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Random thoughts

Here's a secret, there are times when I write posts for my blog like I have readers, but there are also times when I write just for the sake of. Just like this entry tonight.

I believe that we are all free to express ourselves, one form is that of writing. I write because it is my outlet. When my brain's too full, it is my habit to spill it to papers, but in this case, my blog. Words flow, echoing doubts, fears, self-criticism, hope, faith, self-redemption. All those processes kept my brain from focusing so i push my trusty fix-it button and then I begin to write. I write of my limitations, my agony, my guilt -- my pleasures, my hopes, my dreams, all of them safely tucked inside the pages of my volumes of diaries. 

Ohwell, lately my brain is being battered by all kinds of thoughts so I want to pour them out here too.

Been typing this one yesterday afternoon, might be that I was so affected by our discussion in my MA subject ancient Asia

I saw it and I know it is deep as well as high

Been feeling depressed lately and it is really long way down must be far and wide too. Too small, feeling confused too. But not really too much. Been telling myself there was a lesson in my undergraduate years about this religion ritual where they have to sacrifice virgin princesses. Then as the ritual was about to begin, there was a slight pause and the princess ran away. Nobody knows if she escaped and freed herself from the ritual or not. But the point is it is our basic instinct to preserve our life. It's our human instinct to save ourselves from impending danger. Now I am talking about it bec maybe it will help me in making decisions. It will help me shape my mind and my life. 

The way out is to create and to feel --- using experiences. To express my authentic self through arts and through my creations.
I also want to know what confucianism is and why Marx (in the Philosopher's Football) is demanding that Confucius has no free will?


And then existential questions kept bothering me this morning

How can we reconcile modern and ancient? Maybe that's basically the guiding question in my life right now. View things from a different perspective. It is maybe what that priestess was thinking about as she sought to escape from an unfair tradition.
Arts and emotions will rule my decisions and my perspectives. Maybe I can save as much from my sadness and despair. I will not be confrontational, I will just be the student of life, free to be taken everywhere. But these little drops of wisdom, I will take care close to my heart. Because one day it will grow to be a big picture for me and it will help me with my quest for truth. 
Consequences are present. So is our faith and rational thinking and compassion. Well maybe that's the universal. Or another question is what enables us to be reborn after death (metaphor) what forces are in action? Who are we? 
What connects us to life? What makes us human again after we are reduced to ashes? Common humanity? Instinct to survive? Quest for truth? What makes us persistent? What made us reach the other side? What drives us to continue living if we know that life is constant level up and constant challenges? Love I suppose. Because we are all one. How can I expand it? How can I understand it? You are me and I am you. What calls us back? Maybe love. It is not rational, cannot be anything that we can figure out. We just feel.

Harmony. Feelings. Emotions. Boundless.

I discovered Ancient Future ----> (bliss) *-*

A gem of Celtic Wisdom

For Freedom 
John O'Donohue

As a bird soars high
In the free holding of the wind,
Clear of the certainty of ground,
Opening the imagination of wings
Into the grace of emptiness
To fulfill new voyagings,
May your life awaken
To the call of its freedom.

As the ocean absolves itself
Of the expectation of land,
Approaching only
In the form of waves
That fill and pleat and fall
With such gradual elegance
As to make of the limit
A sonorous threshold
Whose music echoes back among
The give and strain of memory,
Thus may your heart know the patience
That can draw infinity from limitation.

As the embrace of the earth
Welcomes all we call death,
Taking deep into itself
The right solitude of a seed,
Allowing it time
To shed the grip of former form
And give way to a deeper generosity
That will one day send it forth,
A tree into springtime,
May all that holds you
Fall from its hungry ledge
Into the fecund surge of your heart.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A big wave of imagination engulfed me

It’s my conviction that slight shifts in imagination have more impact on living than major efforts at change…
Thomas Moore

Sunday, December 2, 2012